Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Devaluing the Award of British Medals.

Britain has a tradition of awarding medals for displays of exceptional Courage, in the Armed Services (In the Army, one regiment will submit a request for an award, but another for exactly the same act will not, considering it within expected behaviour of members of that Regiment), the Police and Civilian Population. Getting an award in the Security Services, SIS (aka MI 6), or MI 5, is shall we say 'difficult', for serving officers 'extremely difficult'.

In the Armed Services there are also Campaign Medals for those who served in War Zones, although HMG has on some occasions tried to avoid awarding these for political reasons (e.g. the long campaign to recognise Suez Veterans), or diplomatic reasons (we were never there, honest). Even worse HMG (on the advice of the MoD) is refusing to give a medal to those wounded in action in Afghanistan, or elsewhere.

In my long professional career I have visited Countries and Cities in Countries which HM Foreign Office at the time considered unsafe. In some cases so unsafe that I and my Colleagues received protection. I viewed these visits as the risky part of my job at the time, not something to be given some award for although I did usually get paid something extra for being there and then only if staying for more than a couple of days!

Now as part of their job, Politicians and now Civil Servants are required to visit War Zones, or Countries/Cities Deemed High Risk. It comes with the territory, don't want to do it refuse, or change careers!
I have no problem with a plus payment for doing it, starting say, for stays longer than a week, but regardless of how many flying visits, no!

Yet Politicians who have neither served with the Armed Services, Police, Security Services and whose only likelihood of exceptional bravery in their professional life would to be to face Jeremy Paxman at the top of his form are being awarded Medals. Oh yes and what have they done to be so recognised?

Well they have to be members of a Club, sorry I mean Scheme, called the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme (AFPS), and this scheme allows politicians to spend around 22 days a year with the Forces. So visits to Aldershot, an RN Ship, or RAF Base in Scotland all count. - Of course some do visit a War Zone where they were constantly surrounded by real British Soldiers and have had their Pictures taken, been interviewed and have then gone home. Fortunately the Queen does not have to present these Badges, because they are technically unofficial. So should they be called Medals, no, they are just a Badge showing long term (10 Years) club, sorry scheme membership.

So why are these called Medals, when they are only a Badge, because they are awarded to Politicians (vomiting at this point is permitted). At least if you are British Citizen you can indicate your anger at this by signing an E-Petition to the Prime Minister: Stop degrading our soldiers by handing out medals to MPs.

Well I have received Certificates for belonging to something for a long while, but quite honestly these go in the scrap book and even the Badges I have been given for membership of an Organisation, would only be worn (if I remembered), on occasions when it is likely to encounter other members.

Having dealt with Politicians, let us look at the Civil Service. In particular the MoD where Civil Servants are traditionally niggardly when recommending Medals for real Heroes and Service in Campaigns. Well guess what now they are actually expected to spend time in a War Zone they are getting a Campaign Medal, no, not a Badge, a real Campaign Medal as worn by Real Soldiers, Royal Marines and the RAF Personnel (providing they spend as certain amount of time there and this varies between 21 and 30 Days not the six month tours of real Soldiers and other Service Personnel). So are these people on the front line? No don't be silly, they work mainly inside Camp Bastion surrounded by Real Servicemen and Women and when they venture out they are very well protected. Also they get Bonus payments and salaries which make the real Heroes amongst the most underpaid in our society.

So they are, Civilians in a War Zone where it is just possible they might get Killed (None has), or Wounded (no medal for being wounded remember - MoD didn't go for it), well the Naafi Manager does that as do the other Civilians, are they going to be awarded a Campaign Medal? Again don't be silly and they don't expect it, yet in other wars Naafi Staff have taken the fight to enemy (Falklands) and from memory they didn't get a medal, neither do Chinese Civilian Laundrymen who serve on Royal Navy Ships and have died alongside the British Crew in wars large and small. So what is special about Civil Servants that means they deserve a medal! NOTHING!

The awards to MPs and Civil Servants devalues the British Medal Award System which is moving the way of the former USSR, where you got a medal for just staying Alive for a very long time in the Soviet Paradise, contributing to the Population Explosion, or being a Sycophant to the right people, among many other possibilities.

E-Petiion to the Prime Minister: Stop degrading our soldiers by handing out medals to MPs.

MPs criticised for accepting 'Mickey Mouse' medals

Anger as penpushers at MoD get same Afghan medal as troops risking their lives on front line

To finish a picture of Real Soldiers, just to remind us of those who deserve much more than we give them and who are entitled to Wear their Medals with Pride:

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