Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Time to think of our British Wounded

When we watch the news, too often we hear in amongst the latest Economic Problem, Banking Scandal, Company Collapse, the Newscaster say 'Today a British Soldier/Marine/RAF Crew member was killed in Afghanistan/Iraq, or some other far off place and four were wounded

Then they move on to the next item probably someone with no real talent who has been deemed a celebrity by the media.
Unlike the old saying 'Old Soldiers never die they just fade away'. our Wounded it appears fade from our thoughts the moment the Newscaster moves on.

Fortunately one Charity has been formed to specifically help those who whilst not making the ultimate sacrifice have been wounded in the service of Queen and Country:
As we celebrate the birth of Christ, who ultimately suffered much and sacrificed himself in our name, please remember those who who have also suffered much in the name of this country.

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