Saturday, May 24, 2008

MPs Panic - Over Saving the Country, err No Saving their Jobs

On Television an evening or two before the by-election at Crewe and Nantwich, a respected politician on a Panel stated that people didn't go into Politics for the money, but Public Service. The other Politicians on the Panel nodded sagely in agreement and I suppressed a wry smile and switched over to a factual programme.

Fast forward until the Morning after the by-election and the headlines many of which followed the theme of:
Labour MPs Panic. Why was the Country being plunged into chaos, was an invasion force heading into the beaches, had the commons bar run dry, or was it because their expenses were going to be exposed to public scrutiny?

No as based on the Result, if a General Election was called in a month or two, many of them would lose their Jobs (many in seats previously considered safe). This would not only mean loss of a reasonable salary (which they effectively set themselves - which I am sure the Police Find Ironic), but all those allowances.

So instead of rallying around the Government as members of a party should, they started not only to panic about their futures, but began to indulge in the only thing they do well back-stabbing!

Public Service, no Self-serving!

It is an old saw that a Country gets the Politicians it deserves, on this basis we must have done something really bad.

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